ThunderRidge wants to work in partnership with families for the success of their child and the number one factor for academic success is regular attendance. Our mission to maintain and continue to build a tradition of academic excellence begins with all students making attendance a top priority. In order for teachers and classes to make adequate progress towards this mission, students must be present in classes. With this in mind, please adhere to the following policies and procedures.
Check-In/Out Procedures/Late Arrivals
Checking-in - All students arriving late are to check-in at the attendance office. To receive an excused tardy or absence for late arrival prior to second period, the student must provide a doctor or appointment notice/note/card at the time of check-in.
Checking-out - Any time a student must leave school during his/her regularly scheduled classes, the parent must call the attendance line or provide a note in advance so the student can obtain an Early Release pass. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up the pass from the attendance office, and check out at the attendance window before leaving school. Students who fail to follow check-out procedures will be recorded as unexcused.
Ill students must report to the health room for check out, the absence will be excused and the parent will be called.
Absences and After School Activities
Students must be in school ½ day to attend or participate in activities or athletics.
Suspension Absences
Per DCSD board policy JH, suspensions are considered an excused absence. Students will be allowed to make up the learning missed as a result of an absence due to a suspension for credit. It is the student’s responsibility to contact teachers in writing (email) upon receiving a suspension to determine assignment completion guidelines for work that they will miss due to their suspension.
Students are expected to be in their classroom when the final bell rings. Students who are tardy disrupt the classroom learning environment for all students and often miss important instruction critical to their academic success. Parents have 48 hours to resolve an unverified tardy. If not resolved within the 48 hour time frame, it will result in an unexcused tardy. Students who miss more that 50% of a class period will be considered absent.
Extended Absences
If a student is going to be absent from school for more than two days for any reason other than an emergency or a medical reason, that student needs to come to the main office and pick up an advanced absence form. That form must be signed by all of that student’s teachers and that student’s assistant principal prior to the absence.
Students who have four or more unexcused absences from school or class on four or more different days in a one-month period or ten or more unexcused absences from school or from class on ten or more different days in a school year are considered to be “habitually truant” under Colorado state law C.R.S. 22-33-107. Following an attendance contract, truant student and parent/guardian may be required to attend the Truancy Review Board (TRB).
*Be aware that the state views parental excusal as the same as an unexcused absence for the compulsory attendance requirements. See table below for what constitutes an unexcused or excused absence.
Definitions of Types of Absences:
Personal/Ill Absences - A parent may excuse a student for PERSONAL reasons or illness, 8 times per semester, up to 16 in an academic year.
Not feeling well, but not going to a doctor is limited to 3 consecutive days, whereafter, medical documentation must be provided.
*** Excessive ILL absences may result in a health plan
**Oversleeping will not be excused!
Excused Absences - Must have documentation, Doctor, Dentist/Ortho, Therapist, Chiropractor, Counseling, Court.
Please contact Administration at 303-387-2000 for specific details on the TRHS Attendance policy.
(22-33-104. Compulsory school attendance, DCSD Attendance Guidelines).